What is Homeopathy ?
Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, which aims to stimulate the body to heal itself. It is based on the principle 'like cures like'.
It was founded by a German doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) in the late 18th century. The word 'homologs' means 'like' or 'similar' and 'pathos' means 'suffering' and so Homoeopathy is a 'Medicine of likes'. It is a method of curing the sufferings in a diseased individual by administration of remedies that have the capacity to produce similar sufferings in a relatively healthy individual.
Homeopathy - Holistic Medicine
Homeopathy is a holistic system of therapeutics based on the "Law of similar" .It affects the entire organism simultaneously producing positive changes psychologically, emotionally and physically. It is holistic medicine in that the whole human being is considered in any treatment plan. Homeopaths need to gain an understanding of the individual on all levels of their being in order to effectively assist them to return to wholeness or health. Holistic medicine also implies an understanding of the whole human being in the context of their environment. Holistic medicine respects the integrity of the human organism and works with the body's natural healing tendencies to correct imbalances rapidly, gently and permanently.