Homeopathy For Hair Problems

 Hair fall is one of the commonest symptoms with which patients present to us. Sometimes it is an associated symptom of some other major disease symptom or it is the disease per say. Age limit is decreasing sadly day by day for hair problems. Earlier hair troubles usually used to start during mid thirties, but today many teenage girls and boys complain of some or the other hair problems. The major complaints about hair are hair fall, dandruff, alopecia aerata, premature graying of hair, brittleness of hair, split ends, dry scaly scalp etc.

Factors important to consider before one starts hair treatment homeopathically-

(1) Root cause-

In most cases of hair fall, some or the other cause can be traced, given the patient gives apt history to his doctor. The cause can be physical like some intermittent fever that could be traced back, child-birth, lactational phase, some chronic illness, some drug abuse, excess alcoholism, bad hygiene, some hormone treatment, etc. The importance of telling this is that, unless one knows the cause, complete hair treatment cannot be undertaken. And it is also important to note that if the causative factor turns into maintaining cause (like for example, in case of bad hygiene), no treatment can be of help. Depending upon the cause, apt homeopathic medicine and its dosage can be chosen, but in case of external cause, it has to be nullified before starting treatment.

(2) Internal factors-

This is what is called as constitutional factor in homeopathy. Every individual is born with certain traits. Those traits need be identified and treated according to the physical characteristic and mental characteristic symptoms of the patient. It is imperative to ask questions right from the childhood of the patient to identify an unknown cause that may be the cause sometimes..

(3) Hereditary factor-

One of the commonest questions some patients ask is- “My Dad is a bald guy and he developed baldness in his mid-forties. Do I still have a chance not to develop baldness at such a young age with your treatment?” Important question indeed. Definitely certain hereditary or genetic factors play a crucial role in hair growth and maintenance. We often see nice long hair in a girl whose mother also has thick and shiny hair. Obviously the opposite is also true. The rule of thumb in such cases is that, if the homeopathic treatment is started immediately after you notice the start of developing baldness, better are the results. There have been cases of baldness successfully treated with homeopathy in middle age too, but such cases are few and we must acknowledge that. Start your treatment early and you certainly have a chance to have thick hair in your middle age when your Dad was a bald guy!

Prevent hair loss, hair care

Most people think about preventing hair loss only after they have lost a lot of it. But if you start early (like when you still have a head full of hair) it works out a lot easier both emotionally and financially. In fact, the truth is – preventing hair loss is a simpler process than treating hair loss. Plainly put, it all boils down to some sensible hair care – if you take care to keep the hair you’ve got, you will be blessed with better looks and healthier hair. So here are a few things you can do to prevent your hair from falling:

1. Follow a healthy lifestyle,

2. Take care of your hair,

3. Avoid things bad for your hair, and

4. Adopt simple Home treatments.

1. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Hair, like your skin and your nail, is often a barometer of general health. If you are healthy, your hair will probably look good. And if your hair is falling, it could be a sign of possible health problems.

So everything you do for good health also applies to hair: eat your fruits and vegetables (Vitamin B, Iron, Calcium and Zinc have especially been linked to healthy hair); always consume a protein-rich diet (hair is made of proteins), and drink adequate water.

2. Take care of your hair

Dirty hair is more likely to get infected and more likely to fall – so keep your hair clean. Buy good-quality shampoo and hair products (in the long run this is cheaper than treating hair that is already half gone). When you shampoo your hair, concentrate on the scalp and hair roots. When applying a conditioner or hair lotion, it is better to concentrate on the ends of your hair (which tend to dry out faster and are more vulnerable to the damage that comes from exposure).

3. Avoid things that are bad for your hair

This seems so obvious it should not need telling. But it apparently does need to be told again because many of us unknowingly adopt several unhealthy hair-practices:

Wearing styles that pull the hair tight (usually into braids or pony tails). Many women pull their hair so tight it actually comes out of its roots. If you change your hairstyle soon enough, your hair will recover. Otherwise, your hair might permanently stop growing from the areas it is pulled most from.

Any chemical treatments (even so-called ‘herbal’ ones) designed to drastically change the way your hair looks (styling, perming, straightening, hot-oil treatments, hot ironing).

Blow-drying your hair – this dries out the scalp and damages hair follicles. Allow your hair to air dry at least part of the time, or change the heat setting on your blower to the lowest.

Combing your hair or rough toweling when its wet – this will put out some hair strands from the roots and stretch and break others

Even the habit of pulling out hair might do more harm than you realize (some people actually go bald from this).

The idea is to be gentle with your hair. Do nothing that might harm your hair in any way.

4. Home treatments for healthy hair

Here we’ve mentioned a few home treatments that generations of Indian women have relied on. Give these ancient secrets a shot yourselves!

Make a paste of henna, curd, soaked and ground fenugreek, ground hibiscus flowers, ground gooseberries, and egg (all of them or any one) and apply it onto the hair and scalp for about an hour before shampooing. Done regularly, this will make your hair stronger and better-looking. But remember that henna is suitable only for dark colored hair because it tints hair red.

Wash the hair out with a bit of lemon squeezed into the water in which you will bathe. (for dandruff).

Apply coconut or almond oil. If doing this daily does not appeal to you, apply the oil on the scalp overnight before shampooing, or apply a drop to the top of your head before you comb out your hair.

Never ever take your hair for granted. The adage “Prevention is better than cure” fully applies to your hair too. Remember, you will surely miss those beautiful tresses if you let them go away!


It is believed by dermatologists that dandruff is caused by a tiny fungus, the yeast. Pityrosporum ovale that grows in the scalp. Another possible cause may be overactive oil glands on the scalp due to the clogging of the oil glands on the scalp. These clogged pores lead to flaking of the skin. The cause can be either internal or external. The internal cause may be due to hormonal imbalances, stress, poor health, poor hygiene, allergy and improper nutrition, while external causes include excessive use of hair sprays and gel, improper shampooing, improper use of hair coloring products and hair drier, cold weather and excessive consumption of sugar, fat or starch.

Some myths about dandruff

Dandruff is contagious.

False.You can’t ‘catch’ dandruff from someone else,such as by using his/her brush or comb.

Dandruff is due to dryness of the skin.

False. Dandruff is caused due to shedding of dead cells of the scalp.In fact,dandruff occurs in areas where the grease glands of the skin are most active and the skin is not usually dry.

Home Remedies

1.While washing hair, apply fresh limejuice,as it removes stickiness and dandruff.

2. Sour curd (yogurt) applied on the scalp and washed after 30 min will help to do away with dandruff.

3. Wash hair with neem leaves in boiling water or weak salt water to check fall and dandruff.

4. Mix 8 tbsp of groundnut oil with lemon juice and rub the mixture on the scalp,leave for half an hour and then wash as usual.


Foods that should be avoided

Foods that should be avoided are starchy, meats sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods should be avoided. Refined carbohydrates in white flour or sugar should be avoided because they deplete the body of B vitamins. Sometimes an allergy to dairy products such as chocolate, nuts and shellfish may cause dandruff.

Treatment for All Skin Diseases

There are over 2,000 different skin diseases that not only affect the appearance but also affect the self-confidence and the quality of life. Skin is the longest and the most exposed organ of our body; and tends to fall prey to different medical conditions. It serves to protect our bodies from harmful elements every day and is also a mirror to our inner health. It is usually indicative of a deeper, more serious systemic problem. For example, excessive skin dryness may suggest a thyroid imbalance. Frequent non-healing boils point to diabetes and a scaly skin could mean an autoimmune disorder. Many skin problems or skin diseases are psychosomatic and result from stress and anxiety. There is a strong connection between the way you feel and the way your skin looks.

Some of the common skin diseases that we treat at Dr. L Square’s Clinic  are:

Acne : Acne is one of the most common skin problems affecting people globally. According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, acne affects approximately 9.4% of the world's population, with the highest prevalence in adolescents. It affects over 90% of men and 80% of women in all ethnic groups. It is commonly referred to as ‘pimples’ or ‘zits’. The condition is not life-threatening, but can lead to scarring of the skin (acne scar). It can be an indication of a deeper problem like polycystic ovarian syndrome or thyroid disorders. It causes more damage to the patient's psyche than to the skin and therefore needs immediate and effective acne treatment .

Eczema : Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic skin problem that is characterized by red, inflamed and itchy skin. It is commonly seen in children but can affect adults as well. According to the National Centre of Biotechnology, children with atopic dermatitis or eczema have higher levels of emotional distress and more behavioral problems than healthy children or children with minor skin problems. Eczema skin problem tends to flare up periodically and may be accompanied by asthma in some cases.

Psoriasis : Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder that speeds up the life-cycle of skin cells. This results in rapid buildup of the cells on the surface of the skin. This further leads to formation of scales and red patches. These psoriasis patches are most often associated with itchy skin and can sometimes be painful. Psoriasis symptoms usually occur on the scalp (scalp psoriasis), elbows, knees, lower back and genitals. In some cases, psoriasis can also affect the fingernails (nail psoriasis).

Vitiligo : Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin problem characterized by white patches on skin, A pigment called melanin produced by melanocytes imparts skin its natural colour. When melanocytes die or are unable to function, it results in the loss of melanin (or loss of skin pigment). This loss of pigment results in milky white patches or vitiligo. It is a chronic skin disorder that can cause extreme emotional stress in people suffering from it. In many cases, vitiligo has also lead to social rejection, trouble in relationships and marriages.

Lichen planus : Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects the skin, mouth and genitals. It is characterized by rows or clusters of dark, raised and flat-topped skin lesions. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information,lichen planus is an autoimmune skin disease that affects almost 0.5 to 2% of the world’s population.

Warts : Warts, also known as verruca, are small, non-cancerous, usually painless growths on the skin. Warts skin disease is caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus. Though skin warts are harmless, they can be quite disfiguring, leading to low self-confidence in patients.

Homeopathic Treatment for Skin Disorders

There are 5 advantages of skin treatment in homeopathy:

Homeopathy is a safe option for treating skin diseases as it treats without any side-effects.

It treats associated complaints such as thyroid disorders and diabetes.

It does not suppress skin diseases by using local ointments or applicators but, treats the root cause of the skin problem.

It also extends beyond the physical symptoms to address the underlying conditions of mental stress, anxiety and depression that may be seen in patients suffering from skin diseases.

It offers long-term relief from skin diseases.